Security and Insurance

Containers are secured with a shielded padlock or Bulldog container lock provided with the container,
additional security may be used.

NB. For all containers. Open Right-hand door first, do not try to open doors together.

Containers 1-26 Mul-T-Lock

Insert key into bottom of lock (at bottom of lock box) turn 90 degrees then lift out silver hasp from top of lock box.
Always open right hand door first, using handles to lever door open (this can sometimes be a little stiff because of the rubber seals).
Key can be left in lock or removed (Key should return to original position)
To relock fully close both doors, insert key and once again turn 90 degrees, drop hasp into lock, make sure key returns to original position and that the hasp is engaged.
If relocking does not happen straight away rattle the lock and hasp around and the hasp should engage.
Remove key once it has returned to original position.

Containers 27-82 Bulldog lock Instructions (pdf To download Adobe Acrobat Reader click here)

click here to view an instructional video of locking the Bulldog

The site is accessible 24 hours a day 365 days a year
The barn and containers are covered by 24 hour CCTV recording
Some containers have electric lights installed for customers’ convenience
Vehicles stored in containers must be by prior arrangement, empty of fuel and batteries removed.

INSURANCE can be obtained from here or from Insurastore here.

Storage of Fuels, oils, garden chemicals and other noxious substances is not permitted unless in properly bunded containers. Please discuss at the time.